Understanding the Importance of Nutrition

Are you aware of the importance of nutrition for your body? You probably don't think about what you are actually putting into your body and therefore it is important to understand nutrition. Why do you eat? This is because you are likely hungry, however you may eat if you are tired, sad, or even bored. There are many different reasons why people eat this way, some of these are for physical reasons such as sport and some are for emotional reasons. You probably don't think often about why the body actually needs food. Your body doesn't just need any old junk food though, it needs healthy food that is good for your body.

Nutrition helps to provide energy to your body, just like your car needs fuel or a battery needs to be recharged, so does your body. The main food you need to give your body for energy is carbohydrates. Your body can digest carbohydrates that are made of starch or sugar more easily than some other foods. Carbohydrates can be broken into different individual components. These components are fructose, galactose, and glucose. You will find that your body has a favorite type of energy and this comes from glucose. If you get more than you need of the carbohydrates then your body tends to store it as fat.

You should also know that you get many different minerals and vitamins from what you eat. These are of the same importance as your carbohydrates are for your body. Vitamins and minerals are known for helping your body with chemical reactions. Some vitamins help your body with being able to burn carbohydrates, some help with vision, some help with your metabolic processes, and others help with keeping tissues strong as well as with the functioning of the immune system.

Read More: Understanding the Importance of Nutrition


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